Analyst Report

Twilio is ranked #1 Customer Data Platform in worldwide market shares 2022 by *IDC

Twilio is ranked #1 Customer Data Platform in worldwide market shares 2022 by *IDC

In this report, you'll learn...

  • How and why the CDP market is growing

  • Worldwide CDP revenue by region and top 20 vendors

  • CDP evaluation recommendations

  • BONUS: IDC’s quick take on Twilio CustomerAI announcement.


Why is Twilio ranked #1 Customer Data Platform in worldwide market share by *IDC 2022?

Global spending on customer data platforms (CDP) grew 26.6% in 2022 and will grow to $7.3 billion in 2027, says IDC.

Global brands, mid-market, and SME firms alike continue to invest in CDP to unify their customer data, seeing it as one of the most valuable investments in improving customer experience.

Read this report to learn more and dive into why *IDC has ranked Twilio the #1 CDP in worldwide market shares for the fourth year in a row (2022, 2021, 2020, 2019).

Bonus Content: Upon download, you’ll also receive IDC’s take on Twilio CustomerAI announcement. A must read for anyone planning their AI customer engagement strategy.

IDC, Worldwide Customer Data Platform Applications Software Market Shares, 2022: Continued CDP Growth to $2.7 Billion Proves Value of Unified Data for CX and Digital Business, doc #US50861023, June 2023

IDC Worldwide Customer Data Platform Market Shares, 2019: Calm Before the Marketing Cloud Vendor Storm, March 2020, IDC #US46130720

IDC Worldwide Customer Data Platform Market Shares, 2020 The Flight to First-Party Data Is On, and CDPs Win Big, July 2021, IDC #US48052920 

IDC Worldwide Customer Data Platform Market Shares, 2021 Stellar CDP Growth Proves Value of Unified Data for CX - 2022, July 2022, IDC #US49493722