
Connect all of your customer data

Segment is the single platform to collect, unify, and activate your first-party data.

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For information about how Segment handles your personal data, please see our privacy policy.

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For information about how Segment handles your personal data, please see our privacy policy.

Illustration: Connections
Illustration: Sources


Collect every touch point

Collect the full view of the customer, across your apps, sales, support, payment, and messaging experiences.


Power all your tools with the same data

Enable the best product analytics, A/B testing, and data warehouse tools with first-party data.

Illustration: Destinations

Implement new tools, fast

Integrate new tools in minutes, not weeks. No more setup headaches and no need to push code.

Mobile approvals, instantly

Eliminate the wait for App Store approvals. Activate new tools immediately, including those without their own mobile SDKs.

Focus on product work, now

Segment makes trying new tools incredibly easy. Say goodbye to expensive and time-consuming integration processes that stand in the way of leveraging the best tools available.

What is first-party data?

Every marketing and analytics app runs on the same three types of data: who your users are, what they are doing, and where they are when they're doing it. Collect it all at once with Segment and send it to any tool.

  • Track

    Track how your users interact with your product like purchasing items, viewing a page, or using a feature.

  • Identify

    Identify users to determine if they're new or existing customers, and tie each person to the right actions.

  • Page

    Locate users so you know what page they were on and what device they were using when they performed the action.

Illustration: Single source of truth

Data governance and controls

We’ve built all the tools you need to manage your customer data.


See a live stream of your event data flowing from your app to Segment’s API.

Illustration: Debug your data
Illustration: Functions


Customize your pipeline

Functions lets you build any custom integration with Segment, with just ten lines of JavaScript.

Subject Rights Management

Streamline regulatory compliance and consent management

Accelerate compliance with regulations like the GDPR and the CCPA with automated data subject rights management to find a single source of truth for end-user consent with our built-in consent enforcement. Integrate with any consent management platform to respect end user consent across your Connections.

Whether your customers want you to delete or modify their data, or even stop collecting it entirely, Segment has you covered.

Illustration: Streamline your regulatory compliance

Look under the hood

Having amazing data infrastructure used to be out of reach. Today, that’s no longer the case. We’ve solved the hard challenges around delivering billions of events reliably to downstream APIs so that you can focus on what matters — building an amazing product.

Frequently asked questions

A first-party data collection platform is a tool that allows you to collect data from people who visit your website, use your products, or visit your physical locations. Governing how and where first-party data can be used is the key to first-party data privacy.

Segment helps collect, clean, and consolidate first-party data at scale and in real time. With unified profiles, businesses gain a 360-degree view of their customers to understand their behavior, preferences, and trends. This can be used to create highly nuanced audience segments and to orchestrate personalized experiences based on people’s real-time behavior.

Segment helps collect, clean, and consolidate first-party data at scale and in real time. With unified profiles, businesses gain a 360-degree view of their customers to understand their behavior, preferences, and trends. This can be used to create highly nuanced audience segments and to orchestrate personalized experiences based on people’s real-time behavior. With the ability to send this data to any downstream tool for activation, Segment drastically improves time-to-value. Technical teams save valuable time spent integrating new tools and pulling audiences lists, while marketers gain the ability to spin up data-driven campaigns autonomously.

Segment uses a single API to collect customer event data and to enrich that data with information stored in a data warehouse, CRM, payment systems, internal databases, and more. You can connect your data Sources in-app, or programmatically with the Segment API.

Connections offers more than 450 pre-built integrations that include storage systems (e.g., Snowflake, BigQuery, Amazon S3, Redshift), business intelligence tools, and marketing automation tools. With Functions, teams can also create their own custom sources and destinations.

Getting started is easy

Start connecting your data with Segment.