Movable Ink (Actions)

Send events from Segment to Movable Ink

Movable Ink automatically transforms data into personalized content for email and mobile marketing.

  • Automated Creative at Scale - Generate unlimited personalized content variations. Create layered composite images, rendered at open time.

  • Real-Time Data Activation - Transform multiple data elements within one creative. Easily set-up waterfall decisioning logic to result in optimal content.

  • Cross-Channel Personalization - Reuse evergreen content across channels and campaigns. Make content changes quickly, without developers or version control.

Movable Ink (Actions)

How Movable Ink works

Movable Ink Studio lets marketers tap into any data and creative sources to generate personalized content at scale at the moment it renders. Stories, Movable Ink's behavioral marketing solution, activates behavioral data, ensuring that creative is relevant to each customer based on their engagement across a brand's site and mobile app.

Movable Ink’s no-code editor lets marketers easily create compelling and dynamic experiences by layering additional creative and data sources with business logic. Marketers add a Movable Ink creative tag (HTML snippet) into their email or marketing templates and deploy these messages through their Email Service Provider or Mobile Service Provider.

Keep carted items top of mind with a personalized abandoned cart notification powered by Segment event data.
Keep carted items top of mind with a personalized abandoned cart notification powered by Segment event data.
Layer multiple data sources, like behavioral event data from Segment and external product or recommendation feeds, in a single piece of content to generate personalized price drop notifications and recommendations for each customer.
Layer multiple data sources, like behavioral event data from Segment and external product or recommendation feeds, in a single piece of content to generate personalized price drop notifications and recommendations for each customer.
Engage customers with recently viewed and trending products based on behavior tracked by Segment.
Engage customers with recently viewed and trending products based on behavior tracked by Segment.
Movable Ink (Actions)

Get more out of Movable Ink with Segment

This integration enables marketers to send behavioral events from Segment to Movable Ink. Event data from Segment is streamed via webhook to Movable Ink's Customer Data API. This event data is then associated with known user profiles within Movable Ink. Marketers can then leverage Movable Ink’s targeting rules, out of the box and custom applications to power highly personalized, behavioral use cases.

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Integrate Movable Ink (Actions) with Segment

Segment makes it easy to set up Movable Ink (Actions).