Sendgrid Marketing Campaigns

SendGrid Marketing Campaigns allows you to create targeted and powerful email marketing campaigns. By leveraging SendGrid Marketing Campaigns with Segment, you can use Segment to create and update contacts in SendGrid for use in your email campaigns.

  • Creating an Action Destination for Sendgrid Marketing Campaigns in Segment’s Catalog. 

  • This destination allows users to upsert contacts and lists so that marketers can leverage the power of a CDP and the ease of Marketing Campaigns to create compelling and targeted campaigns.

Sendgrid Marketing Campaigns

How SendGrid works

Without Segment customers can create targeted and powerful email marketing campaigns, but have to build custom workarounds.

Connect your SendGrid account using an API key generated in SendGrid. 
Connect your SendGrid account using an API key generated in SendGrid. 
Map data to reserved and custom fields in SendGrid. 
Map data to reserved and custom fields in SendGrid. 
Add or update contacts in SendGrid automatically. 
Add or update contacts in SendGrid automatically. 
Sendgrid Marketing Campaigns

Get more out of SendGrid with Segment

This destination allows Segment customers to create and update contacts in SendGrid for use in your email campaigns. Segment customers will be able to send their profiles and audiences to Marketing Campaigns to build robust, targeted email campaigns.

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Integrate Sendgrid Marketing Campaigns with Segment

Segment makes it easy to set up Sendgrid Marketing Campaigns.