
In app product feedback platform

In-product survey tool to help SaaS get accurate feedback:

  • Display surveys directly within your app for real-time feedback.

  • Measure NPS, CSAT, or PMF to gauge user satisfaction.

  • Ask the right questions at pivotal moments in your user's journey.

  • Collect feedback that drives actionable decisions.

  • Use Segment's events and properties for precise survey targeting.


How Trackey Works

Trackey empowers your Product, UX Research, Customer Success, and Marketing teams to gain profound insights into your users' needs and preferences. 

Our intuitive surveys allow you to ask any question. Segment your users effectively, ensuring perfectly timed micro surveys to reach the right audience.

Go beyond NPS with our built-in templates, share insights effortlessly across your organization, and integrate Trackey data into your product & GTM stack.

Create surveys for all your use cases.
Create surveys for all your use cases.
Target the survey to your right your users.
Target the survey to your right your users.
Analyze all the received feedback.
Analyze all the received feedback.

Get more out of Trackey with Segment

By connecting Trackey to Segment, you’ll be able to send your Segment data to your Trackey account for better segmentation and targeting.

Ask different questions to different groups of users and get insights from the right cohorts. Enrich your email CRM properties, trigger personalised marketing campaigns, research user personas, etc.

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Integrate Trackey with Segment

Segment makes it easy to set up Trackey.