Customer data analytics tool
Measures marketing campaigns based on sales, marketing costs, and attribution data
Enables cross-platform multi-touch tracking to follow customer behavior across devices
Automatically merges customer accounts for simplified customer analytics reporting
Incorporates a built-in auto-tagging feature so marketers can track campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and other third-party apps
Supports integrations with Google AdWords, Facebook, Twitter, and Bing, as well as payment gateways like Chargify, Recurly, and Stripe
How Tractionboard works
Currently there are 3 ways to send events to Tractionboard: their API, a JavaScript tracker, or the Segment integration.
Installing Tractionboard on its own is similar to installing Segment for the first time. You’ll need to map out your events and user traits to be collected, decide how you’ll use their API or tracker to collect that data, and install them into your products.
For Tractionboard’s JavaScript tracker, in order to activate tracking by Tractionboard’s servers you must insert a code snippet into each element on each page you wish to be tracked. Tracking occurs when a visitor’s Web browser executes the Tractionboard JavaScript and pings the Tractionboard servers. Custom visitor data or custom events can be added, but require the implementation of additional code.
Whatever your method, adding standalone Tractionboard to your application typically requires domain knowledge of your code, and may require app development time.
Get more out of Tractionboard with Segment
If you are already using Segment, getting started with Tractionboard becomes very simple and only requires you to enter a few settings. This is because your existing Segment implementation is already collecting the same information that Tractionboard needs.
Segment’s integration can collect and transform data for Tractionboard directly from web and mobile apps, as well as server-side Segment implementations. This removes the need for you to include any Tractionboard code in your websites, iOS, Android, or server-side applications. You get all the benefits of tracking with Tractionboard, without any of the costs associated with adding new code to your applications.
Lastly, when you use Segment to send data to Tractionboard your customer data will also be the same data that is received by your other tools, like email automation, chat, push, ad conversions, etc. There are also many cases where you’ll get access to additional data in Tractionboard that wouldn’t be there without custom coding if you used Tractionboard directly, such as the email events tracked per user, if they were also tracked via a Segment-installed integration.
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Integrate Tractionboard with Segment
Segment makes it easy to set up Tractionboard.