
Open-Source Product Analytics

  • Open Source: PostHog is the only open source product analytics tool, which means you can self-host and keep full control of your data.

  • Autocapture: Automatically capture everything your user does on your website without any instrumentation. Using autocapture you’ll get powerful data the moment you turn on the Segment integration.

  • Heatmaps: Using the toolbar you can figure out exactly what your users are doing on your website.

  • Funnels: Figure out where your users are dropping off and where they’re getting stuck using funnels. Drill down into each step and see exactly who’s dropping off, and why.

  • Retention: Powerful retention analytics tools including stickiness, cohort analysis and more.

  • Feature Flags: Safely deploy new features, roll back with one click and experiment with feature flags. Roll out features to certain users or a percentage of users.

  • Full SQL/API access: Get full access to your underlying data.


How PostHog Works

PostHog is the only Open-Source Product Analytics platform. It’s a fully fledged alternative to Amplitude or Mixpanel where you can keep full control over your data. PostHog allows you to capture events from your website, mobile app, desktop app or any other platform. You’re able to host PostHog on any cloud platform or your own servers, and keep full control over your user’s data while you do it.

Powerful dashboard capabilities
Powerful dashboard capabilities
Extensive insights from your events data and user information
Extensive insights from your events data and user information
Follow users through your app or website
Follow users through your app or website

Get more out of PostHog with Segment

Using PostHog with Segment means you can be up and running with PostHog in minutes. Just paste in your API key and (if you’re self-hosting) the server and off you go. PostHog will automatically store all events and user information, and make it super easy to do funnel, retention, and other analytics on your data. PostHog gives you full access to the underlying data with SQL and API access.

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Integrate PostHog with Segment

Segment makes it easy to set up PostHog.