
Product feedback

  • Analyzes customer feedback and tracks trend metrics like customer spend or NPS so teams can identify feature ideas, compare product features, and understand customer satisfaction metrics

  • Filters data based on custom labels, trends, lifetime value, or satisfaction metrics so teams can manipulate customer feedback for at-a-glance reporting

  • Enables custom labels so teams can organize data based on their unique needs

  • A/B tests user polls so support teams can analyze customer requests


How UserVoice works

You’ll need to install the UserVoice Javascript snippet to get your site access to widgets, autoprompts, and a user metrics system. This script, which is unique to your UserVoice account, needs be included once per page. You’ll need to set custom user traits that will allow you to analyze user satisfaction, feedback and support requests by account, plan, lifetime value, and other fields.

Provides information on average activity per suggestion and changes in activity over past 30 days so teams can track user information based on custom fields such as feedback, channel, or use cases
Provides information on average activity per suggestion and changes in activity over past 30 days so teams can track user information based on custom fields such as feedback, channel, or use cases
Suggests if activity around feature requests indicates issues or unforeseen side effects
Suggests if activity around feature requests indicates issues or unforeseen side effects

Get more out of UserVoice with Segment

When you use Segment to load UserVoice, no code changes to your site are necessary. Just enable the integration and its Javascript library will load on your site. Segment identify and group methods are both supported for UserVoice, which means that user information and account information will be recorded in UserVoice automatically. Segment integration settings also make it easy to adjust UserVoice settings that oherwise require code changes, like the widget accent color, enabling smart vote, and enabling screenshots.

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Integrate UserVoice with Segment

Segment makes it easy to set up UserVoice.