9 B2B Marketing Campaign Ideas to Boost Sales

We list 9 effective B2B marketing campaigns that can boost sales.


When marketing efforts fail to generate new leads, it's time to take a critical look at your strategy. Maybe you aren't sending the right emails to the right people, or your ads aren't targeting the right audience segment. Perhaps you didn't optimize your content for search engines, and your target audience can't find the articles you worked so hard on.

The good news is there are tried and true B2B marketing campaign ideas that do work, and we’ve listed them out for you. 

1. Create SEO content targeted to your ideal customer

B2B companies get 2x more revenue from organic search than any other channel—so if you aren't creating SEO content to bring in your ideal customers, you're missing out. To start building a content marketing strategy, research your target audience's pain points and find out what they're interested in. 

Say you sell support software that improves agent productivity, and you're targeting CEOs and managers at mid-size SaaS companies. To reach these decision-makers, you could write about topics like the impact of support automation on customer happiness or how AI can help streamline customer support.

Find keywords related to your topics using tools like Ahrefs or SEMRush, and examine their search intent to make sure you're giving searchers information that's relevant to their interests. Then, create a content calendar with articles, case studies, infographics, or whitepapers guiding readers down a B2B sales funnel with strong calls-to-action (CTAs). Each article's goal should be to get potential new customers to submit their contact information or request a product demo.

2. Use drip email marketing campaigns

Once you have customers' contact information (and they’ve opted in to receive emails from you), add them to a drip email marketing campaign. Email campaigns help nurture your B2B leads and nudge them toward conversion through relevant content. 

Say someone downloads a whitepaper. You'd send them a thank-you email and follow up with an email featuring related blog posts, another with a case study about your product, and then a final message inviting them to do a free product demo. Use the insights from how your audience interacts with those emails to inform future marketing campaigns and identify elements that can be improved, including subject lines and CTAs.

3. Create high-quality landing pages for your product

If you're running a paid ads campaign, make sure your corresponding landing pages are designed to convert. Say someone visits your landing page but can't locate a CTA button, or the design feels outdated. They'll likely bounce, and you’ll lose that lead. 

Make your landing pages as high-quality as possible. Use vivid product imagery, write solid copy, and design CTA buttons that stand out, so the user doesn't have to hunt them down. 

Then, conduct A/B testing to make sure you're using the most effective version of your landing page. Compare different versions to see how they perform against each other, and test various elements, like images, copy, and CTAs. Once you have the best-performing version of each element, bring them all together into one super-star landing page that will increase conversion rates. 

4. Utilize live chat on your website

Incorporating live chat on your website means you can provide immediate answers to customers and increase the chances of them making a purchase.

This functionality also provides more insight into how customers interact with your brand and what questions are commonly asked about your products. If you see a trend where customers ask the same questions, you can create an FAQ page that gives them that information. Zendesk, a live chat provider, integrates with your existing systems and will push live chat transcripts into your CRM so you can access previous customer interactions at any time.

5. Use targeted ad buys on social media platforms

66% of B2B marketers see ROI from social media marketing. Target your customers via social media ads by creating custom audiences for each campaign you run. Build audience segments based on demographics or around how they've interacted with your brand so you can deliver the most relevant ads. Analyze your ad performance constantly to see what types of content perform best on each platform. If people engage more with ads to download whitepapers on LinkedIn, but videos with product demos on Facebook, then use those types of ad content to get the best possible results.

6. Create webinars with information valuable to your target customer

Bring in new leads with webinars that offer important information or teach valuable skills to people in your target audience. 

Start by defining your webinar topic—ideally, you'll touch on subjects that address your audience's pain points or trending topics in the industry. Invite an expert to join your discussion to add value to the webinar and entice people to join. Then, advertise the webinar on social media to your target audience organically and via paid ads. Have your speaker create buzz on their social channels, so your webinar reaches as many people as possible.

Once the webinar is over, use your attendees' contact information to reach out through a drip campaign to nurture them with post-webinar materials like related blog posts or a session recap.

7. Host or sponsor live events

Hosting or sponsoring a live event can help boost brand awareness and build trust with your target audience. If you want to sponsor, search for live events in your industry and contact the organization hosting them to get information on the sponsorship opportunities. 

Hosting an event is a more complex undertaking, so you may want to hire an event planner to coordinate it. You'll need to determine dates, decide on the format (in-person, virtual, or hybrid), find a venue, acquire software, find sponsors, and coordinate with speakers for each session. 

Whether you host or sponsor, you'll have a chance to network with other businesses and build relationships with them. At the event, create opportunities for face-to-face interactions by handing out company swag and business cards. Similarly to what you'd do post-webinar, use attendees' information to retarget them with further relevant content to drive them down the acquisition funnel.

Influencers are often used in B2C campaigns to sell products like makeup or clothing, but the right kind of influencer can also help your B2B company with marketing to your potential customers. 

Find businesspeople, especially experts in your industry, who already have a large following on social media. B2B products aren't always easy to understand right off the bat. Use your influencers to help explain your product in simplified terms to their followers. They can also provide social proof to their audience through testimonials and show them that your product is effective. If you're not sure where to start, there are agencies like The Shelf that link businesses to influencers in their database.

Almost half of decision-makers said they got their business-related content from podcasts in a 2022 study. To engage that key audience, create your own podcast and produce a steady stream of content backed by research and expert guests. Doing this helps build your authority in your industry—increasing trust in your brand. 

To start, research topics to discuss that will be relevant to your audience and are related to your company's products and values. Then, reach out to industry experts and ask them to be on an episode. You can also ask potential customers if they'd like to participate and talk about their career experience or any common pain points. 

A podcast gives you a chance to speak to a captive audience. You can get your point across in 10-minute episodes (or longer) and provide more detail than in an email or social media ad.

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Frequently asked questions

You can attract a B2B customer through content marketing, email campaigns, social media ads, podcasts, webinars, and live events.

B2B is short for "business-to-business," and B2C is short for "business-to-consumer." B2B marketing has a longer sales cycle and tends to focus more on building relationships and networking with potential clients as you lead them toward buying. In B2C marketing, marketers play more on customer emotions and create a transactional relationship throughout a shorter sales cycle.

The first step in creating a B2B marketing campaign should be identifying your target audience. Who is your product for? What problems does it solve? Once you answer those questions, start targeting your audience with paid ads, SEO content, webinars, and emails that address the audience's pain points.

With Twilio Engage, you can collect first-party customer data and build audience segments based on their interactions with your brand. Integrate Twilio Engage with your existing systems and create highly personalized B2B marketing campaigns that speak to your ideal customer and give them the information they need about your company and products.