
Power customer analytics and mobile marketing with a single SDK

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Over 13,000 mobile apps trust Segment to power data collection across 500 million devices.

Eliminate Redundant Code

Consolidate repetitive user tracking code with a single, simple API.

Shrink your app

Reduce the size of your app by moving destinations to the server-side.

Boost Performance

Save your customers battery with data queuing, batching, and compression.

Your fully managed data pipeline

Use Segment to capture every interaction users have with your app across iOS, Android, push, email, help desks, and more. We’ll get your data where you need it, so you can focus on analyzing behavior and building personalized campaigns.

Illustration: Activate anywhere
Illustration: Measure User Actions

Automatically measure user actions

Our mobile libraries, including Swift and Kotlin, automatically collect essential events, so you can measure key mobile metrics without code and shrink your SDK with more server-to-server destinations.

Combine data across sources

Sync advertising and revenue data from Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, Stripe, and more into your data warehouse to accurately measure campaign performance.

Illustration: Activate anywhere
Illustration: Activate anywhere

Choose from hundreds of destinations

Segment partners with the top tools in mobile, so you can try best-in-class platforms for mobile marketing automation, analytics, and more.

Pipe data into your warehouse

Analyze your mobile user data in SQL without building and maintaining an ETL pipeline. We’ll schematize and load your data for you.

Illustration: Activate anywhere

Engineered for performance

Our SDKs are built with your customers and data in mind. We take advantage of the latest technologies to save battery life, reduce bandwidth, and ensure data delivery.

Message Batching

We batch API calls, which reduces the number of times we have to wake the radio.


We queue events to disk, so you can record them even when a user is offline.

Open Source

Our libraries are open source, so you can take a look yourself and see how they work.

Gzip Compression

We use Gzip compression protocol to send less data over the wire and reduce bandwidth.


Your data is encrypted from end to end using HTTPS and SSL security protocols.

Server-to-Server Destinations

Our lightweight SDK allows you to use hundreds of mobile SDKs without having to add each one natively to your app.

When you use any of our mobile apps, you should be greeted like an old friend. When we deliver an ad to you, it should be relevant. When we suggest content to you, it should be in line with your tastes. This is all thanks to Segment.

Daryl Bowden Executive Vice President, Technology Platforms at FOX Corporation
more visitors to FOX Sports “For You” app

Getting started is easy

Start connecting your data with Segment.