
B2B SaaS customer success

  • Provides customizable “predictive churn score” based on custom activities like days active, product usage, or number of open tickets and centralizes customer data and health scores in a filterable dashboard

  • Supports task creation and provides alerts when certain events are triggered or milestones are missed so teams can identify responsibilities and assign tasks and subtasks 

  • Captures data on account hierarchies, so teams can analyze health, usage, and financial data for unlimited business relationships 

  • Creates shareable metrics charts so teams can view lifetime value, renewal rates, and revenue trends


How Natero works

Natero presents your customer data in a way that is geared towards support teams. That means all the relevant information about all your customers and accounts needs to be recorded correctly in Natero to make the most of it. Populating customer profiles and recording what those people are doing on your site or in your app means sending that data to the Natero API directly. Natero only offers a Javascript library and HTTP API for collecting customer data from your site or app, with no mobile SDKs or language-specific server-side libraries.

Understand customer health and receive alerts about customers who are likely to churn or expand.
Understand customer health and receive alerts about customers who are likely to churn or expand.
Machine learning algorithms and rule-based alerts proactively identify the customers that need your attention.
Machine learning algorithms and rule-based alerts proactively identify the customers that need your attention.
Leverage customer data to improve your product and Customer Success processes.
Leverage customer data to improve your product and Customer Success processes.

Get more out of Natero with Segment

Segment offers many different libraries to collect your customer data and you don’t have to learn a new API or data model to do it. Segment passes your customer data through to Natero from web, mobile, or your server. Everything happens from the Segment server so there’s no extra Javascript library on your page or additional SDKs to bundle in with your mobile app. With Segment you’ll get more than just web or mobile analytics, too. You can set up email events to see when people open and click emails, enrich customer profiles with Clearbit, or pipe in NPS scores from Satismeter— all without needing to do any custom coding.

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Integrate Natero with Segment

Segment makes it easy to set up Natero.