
Get a complete view of your customer

Unify real-time customer data interactions with data from your warehouse and empower any team within the business to use trusted data across any platform and channel to build 1:1 personalized experiences at scale.

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For information about how Segment handles your personal data, please see our privacy policy.

Illustration: Get a complete view of your customer

Use AI to turn every customer interaction into a unique customer experience

Segment makes it easier than ever to understand, predict, generate, and engage each individual customer in real-time and at scale.

Illustration: Use AI to turn every customer interaction into a unique customer experience
Illustration: Track every interaction in real time

Track every interaction in real time

Gain a deep understanding of your customer behavior as it evolves in real time across web, mobile, server, and third-party touchpoints.

Get a holistic view of each customer with identity resolution

Explore all your user profiles in one place. Stitch together each customer’s journey between multiple user sessions and devices with deterministic identity resolution, while enabling centralized privacy and governance.

Illustration: Get a holistic view of each customer with identity resolution
Illustration: Power personalization with Profile API

Power personalization with Profile API

Query your user profile in real time to build in-app recommendations, empower your sales and support teams with complete customer context, and create personalized marketing campaigns.

Unlock advanced analytics with Profiles Sync

Access all of the Segment real-time profile data in your warehouse to build data models and machine learning models that can be used in campaigns to lower customer acquisition costs, increase lifetime value, and inspire engagement.

Illustration: Unlock advanced analytics with Profiles Sync
Illustration: Unify customer profile data in the warehouse to Engage customers everywhere

Unify customer profile data in the warehouse to Engage customers everywhere

Deliver personalized, omnichannel campaigns to real-time targeted audiences from a centralized platform, without relying on other teams.

Frequently asked questions

Identity resolution allows you to stitch together user behavior across platforms, anonymous or known state, or device, which allows you to see the entirety of a user’s journey and combine their customer data into a single golden profile. It is essential for understanding customer needs and preferences, as well as creating personalized customer journeys - especially in light of the ongoing legal changes around third-party cookie tracking.

Unify resolves user identities in a deterministic manner. The Identity Graph supports multiple external IDs without any additional code. Each incoming event is analyzed, the external IDs are extracted, and then the Unify identity resolution tool algorithm matches events with profiles. A simplified version of the algorithm is as follows: Segment first searches the Identity Graph for incoming external IDs. If Segment doesn’t find a matching profile, a Profile is created for that user. If Segment finds one Profile, the event is logged onto that profile. If Segment finds multiple matching profiles, Segment applies the identity resolution settings to add the event to the appropriate profile.

Getting started is easy

Start connecting your data with Segment.