Automate your eCommerce event tracking with Elastic Path with CX Studio

Implementing a high quality eCommerce tracking plan typically takes developer time to set up and maintain. Elastic Path with CX Studio automates your server-side and client-side eCommerce event collection to provide teams with instant on end-to-end tracking for web and eCommerce events.

Made by Elastic Path

What do you need?

  • Elastic Path CX Studio

Easily personalize customer experiences with first-party data

With a huge integration catalog and plenty of no-code features, Segment provides easy-to-maintain capability to your teams with minimal engineering effort. Great data doesn't have to be hard work!

On this page

In this recipe you’ll learn how to implement comprehensive server and client side tracking for your composable commerce solution using Elastic Path with CX Studio and Segment… all without writing any code!

By enabling end-to-end tracking for your eCommerce business you can begin to build and execute more effective cross-channel campaigns for customers and deliver tailored experiences to deliver the right message at the right moment on the right channel.

Step 1: Setting up your Elastic Path integration

  • From the Segment web app, click ‘Catalog’

  • Search for “Elastic Path” in the Catalog and select it

  • Copy the provided API write key and go to Integrations Hub in Elastic Path

  • Search for Segment under Instant On integrations.


Integrations Hub
  • Click on the integration. Then click “Configure”

  • The integration set up consists of four easy steps

    • The first step is automatically pre-filled for you, so simply click “next”

    • Then, you’ll need to add your Elastic Path Client ID and Secret Key, which you can find in your store API keys

Adding Elastic Path Client ID and Secret Key

    • Add the Segment write key provided to you in the elastic path source integration
Adding the Segment write key


  • Paste the API key you copied from the Elastic Path source integration in Segment and click save
  • You will now see a full list of server side events available to automatically push to Segment. Choose the events you’d like to enable and click save.


Choosing events you want to enable
    • Click Finish to complete the integration. Once saved, you will see a banner indicating that your integration is enabled and running.
    • Note: Before finalizing the integration, you can choose whether to edit any of the specific server-side events code
Banner indicating that integration is enabled and running

Step 2: Setting up your CX Studio integration

  • From the Segment web app, click ‘Catalog’.

  • Search for “Elastic Path CX Studio” in the Catalog and install it

  • Opening the newly-installed CX Studio source, open the Settings > API Keys section to find the Source ID and Write Key


API Keys section to find the Source ID and Write Key
  • Copy the provided API write key and visit the Settings > Integrations panel in your CX Studio account and click the “+” icon to the right of the Segment integration.
Settings > Integrations panel
  • In the Segment Settings panel that opens, configure your Segment integration using the Source ID and Write Key from your Segment CX Studio Source. The Unify Space ID and Unify Access Token settings are not required for this recipe.
Segment Settings panel
  • Save the integration. You’ve completed the set up!

Step 3: Review and confirm data

Go back to your Segment workspace. For each source integration, view the debugger mode to ensure you see real time data coming in.

Debugger mode in Segment workspace
Segment WorkSpace debugger mode


Wrapping up

Instead of writing custom code to implement your end-to-end eCommerce tracking, Elastic Path with CX Studio automates all of the events you need simply by enabling both one-click integrations.

  • Add the Elastic Path and Elastic Path CX Studio sources from the Segment integrations catalog by copying your write key in your Elastic Path and CX Studio integrations.

  • Once added, configure the backend events that you want to automatically fire to Segment, and confirm data is appearing in Segment using the debugger view for both integrations.

  • Enjoy having comprehensive tracking for your eCommerce business in a matter of minutes.


Getting started is easy

Start connecting your data with Segment.