10 Best B2B Marketing Email Examples

Here we provide some of the best B2B email marketing examples and discuss what you can learn from them.


When email marketing is successful, it grows sales and nurtures customer relationships. In 2023, 62% of B2B and B2C marketers said their email marketing budgets increased – more than any other channel. But without the right B2B email marketing strategy and messaging, it could feel like you’re yelling into the void without getting anything in return.

In this article, we show 10 examples of B2B marketing emails that will boost your campaign performance.

10 best B2B marketing email examples

Find inspiration for your next B2B email campaign in these examples from businesses in industries such as fintech and SaaS.

1. Welcome

Users receive a welcome email after they sign up for a service or provide their email to a business. First impressions matter, so this email should be carefully crafted to emphasize why the reader should care about your B2B brand.

Consider Plaid’s welcome email. It starts by communicating the value of Plaid’s product using social proof (“powers 9 out of the top 10 most downloaded fintech”) and provides a call-to-action (CTA) button to capture interested readers.


The email also provides a quick overview of Plaid’s product features for readers who don’t follow the first CTA. Graphics and bullet points help break up what would otherwise be a wall of text to keep the recipient’s attention.

2. Event invitation

Event invitation emails promote online and in-person events. Compared to welcome emails, invites tend to be simpler and include one CTA to avoid confusing the recipient.

Airtable’s email uses a blend of graphics and text to promote a webinar series. The banner communicates the most important information (what, when, and where), while the email copy provides more context about the event.


Note the use of bolded text and bullet points to improve readability. Each bullet point also covers only one feature.

If it suits your brand’s visual identity, you might choose to include a countdown timer to foster a sense of excitement and create a visual break.

3. Survey

A survey email invites recipients to provide their feedback or insights on a specific topic. They are simple and have one CTA.

Wistia, for example, uses graphics to immediately communicate the purpose of the email. They also go one step further by offering a gift card to a select number of participants to motivate recipients to take part. 


If you’re sending a simple survey to measure your Net Promoter Score, you can embed the survey to boost participation. Here’s an example by Startquestion.


4. Announcement

Announcement emails promote a new product or feature to your email list. While they are usually longer than survey emails, announcement emails should still be straightforward and explain the value of the new product or feature.

Planable’s email is an excellent example. It starts by announcing a product update and introduces a visual break that illustrates how analytics work.


The rest of the email copy provides just enough information to intrigue the reader without overwhelming them. Make sure to provide a CTA button to encourage recipients to join a waitlist or learn more about your new product.

5. Promotions

All B2B marketing emails promote your brand, but promotional emails focus specifically on a product sale or free trial.

As a result, CTAs come front and center in a promotion email.


In the example below, Verblio uses two CTAs to promote different services that come with a special discount.

Remember to include any special conditions that affect the promotion to avoid frustrating your customers, such as how long the offer lasts and what services it applies to.

6. Re-engagement

Re-engagement emails target customers who haven’t interacted with your business for some time.

A simple way to re-engage users is to remind them of what you have to offer. Webflow, for example, highlights their popularity with website designers and explains their value in a couple of sentences.


Like Webflow, you can add videos or other graphics to make your email more engaging. Make sure to end the email with a CTA that entices the reader to give you another chance, such as “Try X for free.”

Some re-engagement emails also make it clear to users that they can unsubscribe from further emails. 

7. Pricing changes

A pricing change email informs customers about an increase or decrease in prices. 

In case of a pricing increase, these emails have a higher likelihood of frustrating the customer. So, it’s best to use simple language and graphics and avoid jargon.

For instance, Podia’s email addresses the customer directly and immediately communicates the pricing change.


The rest of the email reminds the customer of all the benefits they’ll continue to enjoy and offers an alternative solution where they’ll keep the old pricing. This minimizes customer dissatisfaction, balancing good news with bad.

8. Newsletter

A newsletter is an email you send periodically to your subscribers to update them with curated content, such as industry or company news. It might include original insights from experts, recent press coverage, and announcements of future events. The aim? Build community and credibility, share content, and communicate important information.

This type of B2B marketing email is longer compared to announcement or invitation emails. So, it combines text, graphics, video, and other visuals to capture the recipient’s attention.

OpenView’s newsletter opens with an introduction to the main topic of the week: product-led growth. They also incorporate a table to break up the text and improve readability.

The newsletter wraps up by spotlighting a new report and webinar.


Notice how each content section is clearly distinguished, either through the use of visuals or different formatting and text length. This creates an easily scannable and engaging email.

9. Gated asset download

When someone requests a report, don’t waste this opportunity. There’s a high likelihood they’ll open this email, so make the most of it by offering an extra product or an additional recommendation.

For example, Plaid’s email includes a copy of their latest Fintech Effect report, as well as a link to a webinar that provides more context and positions Plaid’s team as industry experts.


You could do the same with a case study, a how-to guide, or another recommendation that people who download the original asset would be interested in.

10. Customer success stories

A B2B marketing email can serve as a distribution channel for your customer success stories. Even if you haven’t published any case studies on your website, you can spotlight customer reviews.

Privy’s simple email includes a customer testimonial that illustrates the value of their solutions.


When you send a customer success story, remember to add a CTA encouraging recipients to sign up for a service or explore a product.

How Twilio Segment can help with B2B email marketing

Twilio Segment’s customer data platform (CDP) helps marketing teams gain an in-depth understanding of their B2B audience so they can target them with highly personalized campaigns.

With Twilio Engage, customers have the combined power of Segment, Twilio, and SendGrid to engage with users on any channel, and with the insight gained from real-time behavioral data.  

Learn more: How IBM scaled its customer data foundation across 150 product lines and increased revenue with Twilio Segment

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Frequently asked questions

To start a B2B marketing email campaign, follow these steps:

  • Set appropriate goals, such as increasing marketing ROI or driving website traffic.

  • Find an email platform for B2B marketing automation.

  • Start building your email list.

  • Analyze your audience so you can target them with the right content and messaging.

  • Create audience segments so you can personalize your outreach.

  • Create and launch your campaign, then analyze the results.

Designing a successful B2B marketing email requires an in-depth understanding of your target audience. Different audience segments play various roles in the buying process, so knowing how to target each will increase your chances of success.

AI is one of the main trends that has had a major impact on B2B email marketing. It allows marketers to personalize customer emails at scale, pull insights from data, and make predictions about campaign performance. B2B emails are also becoming more interactive with elements such as videos.

Email marketing is one the most effective marketing channels in B2B.