Put your first party data to work

Activate data + intelligence

Make your AI more precise, intelligent, and impactful with trusted customer data.

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For information about how Segment handles your personal data, please see our privacy policy.

Join the 25,000+ companies using the Segment platform

Use AI to turn every customer interaction into a unique customer experience

Establish a customer data foundation

Intelligent customer engagement and AI models are only as good as the quality of your data. Collect, clean, and activate AI-ready data.

Illustration: Customer data foundation
Illustration: Unify customer profile

Unify your customer profile

Create a complete, unified picture of your customer, including predictions on how and why they interact, for better engagement.

Illustration: Unify customer profile

Unify your customer profile

Create a complete, unified picture of your customer, including predictions on how and why they interact, for better engagement.

Use AI to turn every customer interaction into a unique customer experience

Segment makes it easier than ever to understand, predict, generate, and engage each individual customer in real-time and at scale.

Illustration: Activate data + intelligence.
Illustration: Personalize on every channel

Personalize on every channel

Build the experiences your customers want by activating data + intelligence through the complete customer journey.

Twilio Developer Plan

Get access to Data + Intelligence in Segment exclusively for Twilio developers.

Unified customer database

Build a unified view of your customers across web, mobile, and Twilio data in your data warehouse.

Query-ready data

Warehouse data is automatically aligned to a set schema and optimized for cost and performance.

Deep customer insights

Evaluate campaign performance and deliverability metrics, analyze historical trends, and power data science models.

Getting started is easy

Start connecting your data with Segment.