Use Cases

Empower every team
with good data

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Audience Overlap

commerce media

Ad Measurement


Setup personalized advertising and retargeting

Most ads aren't as effective as they could be. They have the same basic message which isn't personal or targeted. With this use case, we'll show you how to drive a better return on ad spend, all by personalizing with your own data.


Load customer data into your data warehouse

One of the most popular tools for running analytics is a data warehouse. In this use case, we'll help you load your customer data into that warehouse, manage the schema, and answer deep, custom questions about your customer behavior.


Analyze product adoption (funnels, retention cohorts, etc.)

When you ship new product features... how can you tell whether they've made any improvement? With this use case, we'll understand how to drive better retention and conversion by making slight product tweaks.


Send personalized emails and notifications in real time

Email can be an incredibly effective tool to bring users back into your product... but most emails don't come with the right message, and aren't sent at the right time. We'll show you how to send personalized emails and notifications right at the moment of highest intent.


Build company level KPI dashboards

You can't make what you can't measure. With this use case, we'll share best practices for becoming a "data-driven" company by helping surface actionable data to everyone on your team.


Access your real-time user profiles

In order to personalize your product, you need a database full of each user's history that you can easily query. In this use case, we'll explore how to drive more personalized interactions by querying that history.