Twilio Segment expands omnichannel AdTech capabilities with generative AI, first-party profile data enrichment, and Consent Enforcement to maximize advertising reach and impact

Unlock the power of personalized advertising with Twilio Segment, introducing seven new capabilities in advertising, privacy, and AI to help marketers excel in the ever-changing landscape of data-driven marketing.

By Segment

Over 25,000 businesses use Twilio Segment to reach the right audiences and maximize their advertising ROI by precisely personalizing ads at scale, creating multi-channel journeys with real-time data, and relying on robust privacy controls. 

  • This quarter, Twilio Segment is unlocking seven new capabilities across advertising, privacy, and predictive and generative artificial intelligence (AI) to empower marketers to deliver effective omnichannel marketing strategies.

  • With CustomerAI Generative Audiences in Twilio Engage, advertising teams will be able to build precisely targeted audiences in minutes using natural language, and achieve their ad spend goals with AI-backed Product Recommendations and Send Time Optimization.

  • Brands can increase loyalty and customer match rates with Trait Activation, earn consumer trust with Consent Enforcement, and effortlessly integrate with The Trade Desk, LiveRamp, Yahoo, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. 

With these releases, Twilio Segment takes an integrated approach to addressing the key challenges in today's AdTech landscape.  First, consumers want personalization, but also demand privacy. Second, traditional data platforms that rely only on third-party data are becoming obsolete in a first-party data world. And third, AI is only as good as the data it sources to function.

Some companies are trying—unsuccessfully—to solve these issues separately; only a unified solution can enable marketers to leverage a single view of the customer to deliver on the promise of addressable advertising and ensure personalized consumer experiences, even as support for cookies and other traditional identity mechanisms fades.

At Twilio Segment, we’ve created solutions for these challenges - privacy-conscious, first-party-centric, and AI-based personalization capabilities that unlock the potential of your customers and expand what’s possible with your advertising campaigns. After all, it's no secret that the best experiences are personalized—meeting your customers on the right channel, at the right time, with the right message. First-party data continues to be one of the most powerful tools for brands looking to build effective marketing campaigns that make their audience feel seen and understood. Yet, organizations still struggle to balance both privacy and personalization efforts.

According to our latest State of Personalization Report, over a quarter of consumers have noticed less targeted personalization in the past year, largely due to increasing data privacy regulations and Apple’s IDFA deprecation. 

Segment provides both robust privacy controls to help you stay compliant while earning customer trust, and the ability for enhanced targeting to maximize the impact of your marketing spend.

The combination of CustomerAI, Twilio Engage, and Segment’s powerful integrations enables marketers to identify behavior-based audiences, and target those campaigns more effectively than ever before. 

And then there’s artificial intelligence. Traditional advertising cornerstones like third-party pixels transformed the digital advertising environment. Today, can you imagine an advertising strategy that doesn’t incorporate digital efforts? Soon AI will be just as common, and at Segment we know that your AI strategy is only as good as the data foundation it's built on.

Our predictive and generative AI helps you create audience segmentations at warp speed. Then Segment keeps those audiences up-to-date automatically, so you can activate them across native messaging channels and every major digital ad platform. With access to the widest breadth of digital channels, by way of 450+ native integrations, you get increased agility to meet your customer’s needs at every step of the journey. 


  • CustomerAI Predictions: Putting the power of predictive AI in the hands of marketers, CustomerAI Predictions offers out-of-the-box AI models that empower marketers to predict customer lifetime value (LTV) or likelihood to purchase, churn, or perform any event tracked in Segment without needing to tap technical teams. And Predictive Audiences gives marketers pre-built suggested audiences leveraging Predictions’ models. These Predictive Audiences—like “ready to buy,” “dormant,” or “potential VIPs”—can inspire new campaign ideas for marketers and help you quickly create predictive AI audiences in just a few clicks.

  • CustomerAI Generative Audiences (coming soon): Building off of Segment’s CustomerAI  announcement at this year’s SIGNAL, CustomerAI Generative Audiences will enable marketers to create targeted audiences from a simple text prompt within minutes. Launching to Private Beta later this year, marketers can spend less time manually building audiences and more time launching campaigns, analyzing results, and strategizing for growth.

  • Product Recommendations (coming soon): Where CustomerAI Predictions can help you identify the best audiences to target, Product Recommendations will be able to tell you what items or content to target them with. Using Product Recommendations, marketers will be able to leverage AI out-of-the-box to automatically determine which items are most likely to drive a customer to purchase, engage, upgrade, and more. Armed with this knowledge, you can quickly provide customers more relevant and personalized experiences that can increase conversions and grow average order value.

  • Send Time Optimization (coming soon): Timing is crucial to driving customer engagement with your business’ communications. With Send Time Optimization, Segment will calculate the optimal send time for each user based on a statistical analysis of a user’s past interactions with marketing messages and other behavior. This means you can reach customers when they’re most likely to engage with your brand, reducing marketing fatigue while improving engagement and conversions.

AdTech Integrations

  • Conversions APIs for Pinterest and LinkedIn:  Joining Segment’s existing CAPI destinations for Snap, Google, Meta, and TikTok, these new conversions APIs extend this visibility across almost the entire breadth of the ad platform market. This unlocks the ability for those platforms to match first-party data collected in Segment to known users’ engagement with ads, without using cookies, and for marketers to analyze campaign performance at scale, across platforms and campaigns.

  • The Trade Desk and LiveRamp Destinations: These new partners offer programmatic ad buying and access to an ID graph of millions of users that brands can connect with. By connecting Segment to these platforms, users will be able to send audiences for activation and measurement across a wide network of websites, apps, podcasts, streaming TV services, and more.

Profile Enrichment

  • Trait Activation: With Trait Activations, marketers can easily sync profile traits with ad destination fields to improve match rates for ad campaigns, and restrict the number of identifiers sent to an ad destination to reduce destination API usage costs. With this release, marketers can improve ROAS, ad match rates, and ad personalization by providing first-party profile data enrichment for advertising use cases. 


  • Consent Enforcement (coming soon): Customer consent is at the heart of a privacy-first approach to customer engagement. With Consent Enforcement, you can easily integrate third-party consent management tools, like OneTrust, pass customer consent preferences to Segment, and enforce them across Destinations. Now in Private Beta, this release will save teams the need to write code and logic to integrate and generate the integration object or write destination filters to enforce consent.

So take the next step with Twilio Segment’s solutions for advertisers. Try out a platform that empowers you to deliver winning omnichannel marketing strategies, to precisely personalize ads with out-of-the-box AI models, to create multi-channel journeys with real-time data, and to earn trust with robust privacy controls.

Get started with Twilio Segment

Ready to future-proof your advertising strategy?  Request a demo from one of our experts to see how you can get started today with any of the features listed above. Or, join our AdTech Product Tour, to get a walkthrough of the product and ask questions live. If you’re a current Twilio Segment user, check out our Upcoming Product Releases webinar to learn more about these latest enhancements from our product marketing team.

We can’t wait to see what you build.

The state of personalization 2023

The State of Personalization 2023

Our annual look at how attitudes, preferences, and experiences with personalization have evolved over the past year.

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